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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Obama in Brownsville?

Just imagine- President Obama meeting with residents of Brownsville in the middle of Betsy Head Park during a beautiful Spring day in May. At the beginning of his speech, President Obama would thank and congratulate Brownsville for a record turnout vote in November 2008.

After a New York Times article written by Samuel Roberts stating, “[a]ccording to the preliminary machine count on Tuesday, Mr. Obama carried the predominantly black 55th Assembly District, which includes Brownsville, with 98 percent of the votes from the nearly 35,000 people who cast ballots”; a certain momentum ran through the streets. President Obama restored HOPE within the community. You could feel the PRIDE oozing out through the streets. 98% of the VOTE in Brownsville is a HUGE accomplish if he only knew.

Just imagine if we use that same momentum and 98% of the families in Brownsville complete the Census form. Brownsville would become a local stop for all US Presidents.

Let’s get out there Brownsville. Let’s complete those Census forms and get President Obama out to Brownsville.


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